Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Assignment #3

1. What is the numerical size of England’s military?

The total military personnel are 217,000 people.

2. List England’s weapons.

Used to have chemical: Phosgene, mustard gas, and lewisite
Nuclear: Has nuclear warheads
Conventional weapons: Tanks and various firearms.
Naval: Submarine with launch capability, aircraft carrier
Aeronautical: Submarine with launch capability and aircraft launch capability

France’s weapons.
Used to have chemical: Phosgene, mustard gas
Nuclear: Has nuclear warheads
Conventional weapons: Tanks and various firearms.
Naval: Submarine with launch capability, aircraft carrier
Aeronautical: Submarine with launch capability and aircraft launch capability

3. How many nuclear weapons does England have?

England has approximately 200 nuclear warheads.

4. How is England related geographically to France?

The English canal separates France from England .

5. List the countries connected to England by land.


6. Is there a territory outside of England’s borders that has cultural, religious, historical significance to England that makes England (citizens and government) feel invested in?

The commonwealth nations that accept the queen as their queen.

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